Surah Masad Full PDF – Download & Read Online 2023


Surah Al-Masad, also known as Surah Al-Lahab, is the 111th chapter of the Qur’an. It is a short chapter consisting of five verses and holds great significance in Islamic history and teachings. Although it is a brief chapter, its content and message convey profound lessons for believers.

The Surah begins with the Arabic word “Tabbat” which means “perish” or “may the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined.” Abu Lahab was the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad and one of his most staunch enemies. This Surah was revealed to address Abu Lahab’s relentless opposition and hostility towards Islam.

The Surah states, “Perish the hands of the father of flame! Perish he! No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!” (Qur’an 111:1-3). These verses depict the ultimate fate of Abu Lahab, emphasizing that his wealth and power will not save him from the consequences of his actions. The use of vivid imagery, such as the “Fire of Blazing Flame,” underscores the severity of the punishment awaiting him in the afterlife.

The Surah then mentions Abu Lahab’s wife, Umm Jamil, who was equally hostile towards Islam. It states, “His wife too, who carries (slanders and backbites), a bundle of twisted fiber (of lies), around her neck!” (Qur’an 111:4-5). This verse highlights Umm Jamil’s involvement in spreading rumors and slandering the Prophet Muhammad and his followers. The image of a twisted fiber symbolizes the falsehoods and lies she weaves to undermine the message of Islam.

Despite being a short chapter, Surah Al-Masad holds profound lessons for believers. It teaches the importance of sincerity and the consequences of opposing the truth. Abu Lahab and his wife’s relentless opposition to Islam led them to a disastrous fate. Their wealth and power were of no avail when facing the divine justice. This Surah serves as a reminder that material possessions and worldly status are insignificant in comparison to the pursuit of truth and righteousness.

Moreover, Surah Al-Masad also emphasizes the power of words and the responsibility each individual bears for their speech. Abu Lahab and Umm Jamil used their tongues to spread falsehoods and harm others, leading to their condemnation. It serves as a reminder to believers to choose their words wisely, to abstain from spreading rumors or engaging in slander, and to promote harmony and unity through their speech.


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